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Showing posts from June, 2019

Free Education

 Hi! On this post I want to speak about the subject that We studied at the last class "Free Education".  I personally believe in Education as a important thing to growth and also an important factor for the humanity progress, consequently I consider the education don't should be a privilege, on the contrary should be accessible for everyone, doesn't matter if someone is poor or rich, should exist the opportunity for study. For it reason I think is very important of implement Free Education, so that all people have the right for study what they want. Actually is very sad think what the education is a still a privilege, especially the good one. On the education context I very agree with José Maza, a very intelligent chilean astronomer, who thinks: The most important thing to the national progress is not copper, is the brain of all 17 millions of chileans!, he also says: Maybe the reason why the chilean education is so bad is because it is convenient for t...

Foro Alfa

  Hi everyone! today, I want to speak you about "ForoAlfa": a webpage platform community about design in spanish. On this web page you can find a lot of articles made by experts, about different areas of design, with the main purpose of build discussion arround the discipline.   One of my favourite experts on this page is Norberto Chaves: an argentinian communication specialist based in Spain, also theorist, teacher, and corporative identity expert, he has wrote many books like "La imagen Corporativa", "El diseño invisible", "El oficio de diseñar" among others.  If you are interested in branding, Norberto Chaves is an author that you will should read!  Other interesting although I think controversial author on the ForoAlfa's page is Luciano Cassisi, He has published articles like "Marcas y significados del color", in it article He speaks about the really utility of colors in Brands, refuting the color psychology t...

My favourite movie

Hi everyone! Today, I'm going to write about John Wick: actually, one of my favourite saga movies. John Wick is a contemporany action movie that arrived to change the action genre for its elegant aesthetic and its perfect coreographies. Personally, the reason why I like this movie is because the coreography moves are based on martial arts techniques, principally Judo and Jiujitsu ( I wrote in a last post that I practice Judo): my favourite martial arts. Then, when I knew that this movie has those martial art techniques, I really wanted to watch the movie (at that moment John Wick 1). And besides,  I think that I love it because it is completely full of action in all of its length, practically there isn't any script more than John Wick killing ninjas hahaha, but the plot starts with the principal character, John Wick, an ex mafia hitman, who quitted all of it for a quiet life with her wife. Unfortunately, she got sick and died. His only memory about her is her dog. Bu...