Hi, today I'm going to speak about songs that bring me memories about events of my life. The first one is a classic piece, "Canon in D" of Johann Pachelbel (You probably are thinking "Oh a man of culture", but no hahaha) this song reminds me to my graduation of the primary school and brings me a very nice memories, because the primary school was a very nice part of my life, I was together with my primary class mates from my 1st school year (Kinder) to 8th grade, those are 9 years of my life, so the end of this stage in my life was very emotional and important, and why this song? because It is the song wich was played in the ceremony and not just that, I was part of the team who played the song with flutes, guided by the music teacher, We had the responsability to musicalize the ceremony and that was a nice experience too, because We spent so much time practicing in order to be perfect and also the flute that I used was bought by my Grand Father Gaston (I still keep it like a treasure). Anyway It is a very emotional song to me.
Another song that brings me memories, is part of the next stage, the secondary school haha, but It is a funny one, It's named "Mickey Mal" by Dina Gomez, a strange band created by the Chilean comedian Felipe Avello and of course the band represent his irreverent sense of humor. I chose It more because the good memories because than I liked It. Being honest It isn't a good song hahaha, but It brings me memories about my teenage stage with my friends of those years and our kind of humor or jokes, very similar and incoherent like Felipe Avello (We loved his humor), besides I still keep the friendship with a person of those years, my friend Mario and sometimes We remember our funny stories about the secondary school and We laugh, also We still enjoy Felipe Avello's humor too.
And that is all, I hope that you had enjoyed it. I put the links of the songs below in case you want listen to them. See you in the next post!
Canon in D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjYecEQFL0U
Mickey Mal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgBabdi-U6w
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